Dreamery Gardens


The Woodland Guardians have asked us to be off grid. At The Dreamery Gardens we’are passionate about caring for the environment and treading as lightly as possible on the earth. Wherever possible we use recycled or sustainable products, and you'll see little plastic.

Uniquely, for a visitor attraction we are off grid and generate our own electricity using a solar array and batteries.

We deal with our effluent waste onsite and have a series of reed beds to clean waste material, creating valuable habitat and putting water back into the environment.

We use organic coffee and tea in the Kitchens and our food is organic if available, as well as natural and sourced from local suppliers as close to the woodland as possible. We are also working on developing our own woodland allotment which will soon be producing delicious biodynamic produce. We have tried to keep any use of artificial materials to the absolute minimum. Our disposable cups are bio degradable, and we encourage customers to bring their own cups for takeaway drinks.

Ethical business and health is incredibly important to us and that’s why you won’t find us selling food or drink produced by large corporations – we don’t sell food-like products - we sell real food.

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